January Activities
Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen by DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan
Uncle Willie works in a soup kitchen. When his nephew has a day off from school, he asks his uncle if he can join him at the soup kitchen. As you listen to/read the story, consider who you think gets the most out of the day at the soup kitchen.
Idea #1
To celebrate Dr. King’s birthday, many people choose to do something with other people from their community that makes a difference for one, some or all the people there.
Do you think every school-aged student should be required to volunteer for a project/activity on MLK Day of Service? Why or why not? Be prepared to support your answer.
Idea #2
Review the list of possible volunteer activities below. Choose the one from the list that you might like to try. Then write or draw what you would do and be prepared to share why you think you might like it.
- Help decorate the local post office, train station, or the like with pictures that you and your friends draw.
- Help clean up a local park or vacant lot.
- Sing songs, present a play, work on a project with senior citizens.
- Organize a book drive and collect new or gently used books. Then plan how to distribute them to needy children.
- Join others to paint rooms in a community building that need to be freshened up.
- Organize and collect for a food drive and arrange to have what you collect taken to a local/area food bank.
Idea #3
Let’s hear your voices…
Do you think more days off from school should be days on? Support your answer with at least two reasons.
Idea #4
The brick building that houses the soup kitchen is described as old and kind of run down.
What could you and a group of your friends do to help fix the soup kitchen’s appearance? Why do you think that might be important?