The Rendell Center has developed classroom lessons and activities that tie in with March Books One through Three. These downloadable lessons are designed to educate about civil rights and lead to engaged discussion through their focused activities.

We also have First Amendment Exercises Monthly Civics Exercises.

March Civil Rights Trilogy

The March trilogy is a set of informative, eye-catching graphic novels about the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, told through the perspective of civil rights leader and U.S. Congressman John Lewis. The trilogy is written by Congressman Lewis and Andrew Aydin and is illustrated and lettered by Nate Powell.

We hope you will find these lessons beneficial not only during Black History Month but also all year long.

March: Book One Cover


March: Book Two Cover


March: Book Three Cover


First Amendment Exercises

Four books about First Amendment Rights

We have developed classroom lessons and read-alouds on the First Amendment entitled Exercising Our First Amendment Rights with the following titles and themes.

These books are appropriate for all primary, elementary, and middle school students as read-alouds. The lessons encourage discussions that build basic civic knowledge, promote civic engagement, and provide practice in democratic deliberation.

Click, Clack, Moo by Doreen Cronin – theme: Going On Strike
Freedom on the Menu by Carole Weatherford – theme: Organizing a Peaceful Sit-In
The Pink Hat by Andrew Joyner – theme: Using Symbolic Speech
Carl the Complainer by Michelle Knudsen – theme: Writing a Petition

Monthly Civics Exercises

(Click to open)


Start of the school year and beginning of our Constitution


Celebration of Hispanic-Americans and Diversity


A month of action! We VOTE and thank our Military!


Celebrate our Bill of Rights


We hone Dr. Marting Luther King, Jr.


Celebrate African-American History Month.


Discuss Women’s Suffrage and gender equality


We pay our taxes and focus on The Earth


We honor the men & women who’ve died protecting America


Summer Break starts and we focus on the history of our flag.


We celebrate our Independence!


Read about and discuss our Voting Rights.

Other K-8 Classroom Resources

Maggie The Dog Logo

Maggie's Civic Corner

Read Aloud Logo

Read Aloud Lessons

Rendell Center Citizenship Challenge Logo (2020)

Citizenship Challenge

Literature-based Mock Trials

Literature-based Mock Trials